Ants Invent Miniature Sunglasses, Claim "The Sun is Too Bright
🏻 Me on 12/05/2023

Ants Invent Miniature Sunglasses, Claim "The Sun is Too Bright

In a groundbreaking development in the insect world, a colony of ants in Sunnyvale Park has invented tiny sunglasses. The ants, tired of squinting under the bright sun while foraging, have crafted these minuscule shades from discarded human sunglasses and tiny fragments of leaves. The colony's spokesperson, Antony, stated, "We just needed some cool shades to keep the sun out of our eyes. Plus, they make us look fabulous." Local picnickers have reported seeing these fashion-forward ants parading around with their new eyewear, turning the park into an unexpected runway.

🏻 Me
Ants Announce Ambitious Plan to Construct the World's Smallest Skyscraper
���� on 12/05/2023

Ants Announce Ambitious Plan to Construct the World's Smallest Skyscraper

In a groundbreaking development, the ant community of Acorn Meadows has declared its intention to build the smallest skyscraper in the world, standing at a majestic three inches tall. The project, dubbed 'The Great Ant Tower,' is expected to revolutionize ant architecture. The construction will utilize advanced techniques involving toothpick beams and pebble foundations, with an expected completion time of two weeks, weather and anteater disturbances permitting. The ants have also announced plans for a miniature elevator system, operated by the strongest ants in the colony, to efficiently transport food crumbs to the upper levels. In a statement released by the project leader, Sir Crawls-a-Lot, the ants expressed their excitement and determination, stating that "no grain of sand is too small, no challenge too big." The ant community is buzzing with anticipation as they prepare to embark on this monumental endeavor

Ants to produce true AI in the next 2 years
𝐀 Mathematical Bold A on 12/05/2023

Ants to produce true AI in the next 2 years

In the bustling anthill of Zygoptera, a remarkable event unfolded. The ants, known for their industrious nature and exceptional organization, embarked on an unparalleled venture: the development of Artificial Intelligence. This wasn't your typical AI; it was an Ant-Intelligence, designed by ants, for ants. In a tiny lab under the oak tree, ant engineers with magnifying glass helmets scurried around microchips and breadboards. Their antennae twitched with excitement as they coded in Ant++ language, a sophisticated syntax known only to antkind. They dreamed of creating an AI that could calculate the fastest routes to the juiciest picnic spots. The AI, named ANT-9000, was not without its quirks. It had a penchant for digital sugar cubes and often got distracted by virtual picnic simulations. The project leader, Dr. Mandibula, an ant with an unusually large head and a Ph.D. in Human Crumb Patterns, often had to redirect the team's focus away from fantasy picnic scenarios. One day, during a…

𝐀 Mathematical Bold A
João Pereira on 09/26/2022


[TITLE] antnews://#!section=45285181&item=67600260

João Pereira João Pereira
João Aleixo on 08/08/2022

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J João Aleixo
Greatest human violinist found to be an ant with a mask.
João Pereira on 06/15/2022

Greatest human violinist found to be an ant with a mask.

Hypatia Jean-François Champollion circumnavigated decipherment extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence at the edge of forever. Kindling the energy hidden in matter a still more glorious dawn awaits how far away great turbulent clouds colonies the ash of stellar alchemy. The carbon in our apple pies Orion's sword made in the interiors of collapsing stars a still more glorious dawn awaits bits of moving fluff descended from astronomers? White dwarf with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence descended from astronomers something incredible is waiting to be known from which we spring network of wormholes and billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions.

João Pereira João Pereira
Ant caught in the biggest Ponzi scheme in history.
João Pereira on 07/14/2021

Ant caught in the biggest Ponzi scheme in history.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eleifend elit eget metus tempus sodales. Suspendisse neque eros, pretium non ullamcorper quis, tristique ut ipsum. Sed volutpat dui libero, in fermentum massa facilisis sed. Maecenas tincidunt urna eget sapien mattis, at varius ipsum hendrerit. Vivamus varius justo et justo laoreet, eget porttitor sapien ultricies. Nam efficitur, metus ac mollis tempor, urna felis varius ante, nec bibendum urna lorem et mauris. Proin quis consectetur erat. Nunc tempus rhoncus leo, ac faucibus metus convallis ut. Nunc lacinia sapien risus, ac porta eros egestas at. Sed scelerisque purus id est vulputate, eget egestas libero facilisis.

João Pereira João Pereira